The Grand Muster: It Came To This

A couple of weeks ago Lockdown boredom got the better of me, and I assembled my forces, just to see how much I had. I took a few photos. I counted models. And made a list so I don't have to do this again...

For clarification, this isn't every model I have. The Deathwatch army is small enough to fit in one case - If I want to know what models I have available to play with them, I can open the case and look. Guard is a different matter... how many hellhounds did I have again? What pattern?

I also didn't muster the special project armies like the Star Wars Guard as they don't really fit in with the rest of the force, and they were designed for 5th edition. Some units don't even have rules anymore (penal legion) and others are changed beyond recognition. So in essence, I only counted guard, and orks.

Here are the guard.

By my rough estimates, that comes to 9443 points. Ish. Not including assassins. Of which I have 8.

One thing this muster did prove to me... while my early Catachan days had plenty of basic troopers, when it came to the cadians I picked up for a project (but a codex change part way through killed that idea, leaving me just a few test sentinels and a couple squads) I then used the cadians just as extra bodies for pick up games. "Hmm, I want to try some plasma gunner veterans, well I already have basic troops but if I convert these guys to have plasmas and throw them in, game time!" This on repeat has led to the odd situation where my cadians have 10 heavy weapons, 28 special weapons, and 25 Lasguns. To rectify this, I scraped through my bitsbox and made another 20 basic troopers from former tank commanders and valkyrie crew. I intend to also pick up a job lot of the easy build guardsmen when this is all over. Paint them all up in the quick slapdash method I have recently perfected and the guard are basically done until GW release something else that sets my inspiration gears into motion.

I shall post the orks bit by bit, as they are grouped by tribe. There's also a few more of them. I can also explain plans for what next with them as, yeah, they're all still growing... who am I kidding when I say the army is ever finished?!?

In other good news, I managed to get a temp job doing night shifts at Tesco, picking the orders for home deliveries. A good low risk way to get out of the house and stop myself from going slowly insane. It came just in time... another week and I'm have probably been breaking this lot out again and putting individual names on each trooper...


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