A Tale Complete... Early...

 I started a Tale in March with some friends, aiming to do a 2k army in a year, 500 per quarter. I had plenty of guard to do so figured it was a good challenge. We aim for a score out of 2000, how many points did you paint. Only did 250 first phase, you know what as long as you get it done by the end it still scores. Good catch up mechanic.

To avoid anyone getting too far ahead, you can paint more than 500 in a phase and you can use this excess to catchup, but not to run away. 2 phases in done 1500 points? Good for you, 1000 to go.

Rob did his entire 2k in phase 1. So has since gone on to painting other armies in each phase. Some for different game systems. Not really following the point of the phase but fuck it, within the rules and he's got his final army ready so whatever.

I was doing all right. Usually doing a little more than necessary but i worked out i had about 3k worth of stuff on the shelf so didn't see the harm. I did all my infantry first. Then came phase 3 and i started my vehicles. And remembered how EASY my vehicle colour scheme is (i'm painting to match the rest of the collection as i want them to fit in with the rest of the army... And it is a very basic, very classic two tone colour scheme. Barely any details. I got a bit carried away. And have completed everything i had. With a phase still to go.

Well the first time i ran a Tale i finished with a super heavy so why not do so again? I have also seen stuff online saying it's possible to magnetise the current baneblade kit so it makes every variant. And they're all about 500 points right, so one of them should round  out the army nicely.

Anyway, pics of the currently completed army. I have dug out an old model from the rest of my guard to check the basing as i couldn't remember which static grass i used, so wanted to wait till i had an example and all of them to do at once. But as far as paint is concerned, the army is done.


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