The Blog Awakens

So I meant to do this a while ago when I got my shiny new camera, but better late than never...

When I got the camera I decided I would photograph some of my old models, which had only previously been seen on dodgy shaky mobile phone uploads. I felt this would give me some good blog content to up my post rate. So for the first, let's have a look at my Star Wars Guard army.

What started out as a small project, aiming for 500 points for a doubles tournament I had previously done Halo Marines and Alien themed guard for, soon over-reached the points value as inspiration flooded my mind. Before I knew it I had pretty much a 1500 point list, and as I had a 2000 point tournament that year, I just copied and pasted the "Stormtrooper" 500 ish points of the list and boom the plan was born.

The project, being broken into four 500 point blocks for an escalation tournament, also meant I had the perfect start for a Tale of Four Gamers, which I ran at the time with it. To start me off, I wanted to get a good chunk of the pain in the arse part done, with an Infantry Platoon of 50-odd Stormtroopers (Basic Guardsmen in rules, hell I didn't want these guys to actually be *accurate*) To give myself a splash of colour to avoid insanity, I converted a couple of penal legion squads (remember those) to represent captured rebel scum.

The next batch was the most fun, as it had the most variety. In this 500 I had to bring in Sentinels, Rough Riders, Ratlings, a Commissar Lord and Marbo.

The AT-ST Sentinels have the leg joints reversed to give them a more squat appearance. I particularly enjoyed using an old Birdman of Catrazza model to show what the Empire thinks of the local natives...

 Naturally, my Commissar Lord was Vader, and I enjoyed making one of the platoon commanders compliment this central character...

The ratlings and rough riders were to be represented by scout troopers, on their bikes and off...

The final part of this batch was one of my favourite models to work on, and remains a favourite with me and most people who view this army to this day... my Marbo.

The third phase included veterans, a primaris psyker (chosen because at the time he had an automatic power of firing lightning bolts from his fingertips) and a Vendetta... Now at the time there were no rules for flyers in 40k. The vendetta was a skimmer. It's most commonly used method was plodding along slowly at 6" so it could fire all it's weapons effectively. So if you are expecting an Imperial Shuttle, I am sorry to disappoint you - if I'd done the army today, perhaps.

 The AT-AT Vendetta was converted with a Valkyrie, landspeeder, and some sentinel legs. Here I switched the leg joints round the opposite way to ADD height to the model, especially when compared to it's AT-ST cousins.

Finally, phase four was the same as phase one, a bunch more white, though again I did more penal legion troopers, and even threw in few objective markers for shits and giggles. The obj markers proved excellent for throwing movie quotes into games...

Your dice... need them you will not...

These ARE the droids you're looking for...

I like Captain Solo where he is...


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