Challenge Accepted
My mate Rob mocked me for buying a large amount of Empire army, that's a lot of money to spend on something that will never see paint...
Buddy, I just painted 80 goblins in 10 days (during which I might add I spent 88 hours at work... So not like I had a holiday and plenty of free brush time) and this is partly driven by me promising I would paint the goblins before I start the Empire.
Ok admittedly black cloaked goblins are easy to paint when I get to the trolls, characters and squigs it's gonna take longer but I feel I've bitten a good chunk out of the army, all the core troops, over half the miniatures. I WILL paint the Empire. It will be an exercise in nostalgia, the Empire army I always wanted when I played with a hodgepodge of miniatures from a 20 year span of hobbying. Classic monopose halberdiers in altdorf colours alongside plastic most recent sculpt flaggelents running alongside plastic body metal arm crossbowmen in the colours of talabacland... No, this will be similar era units in a unified colour scheme painted in one standard (not perfect but at least consistant) and Rob will eat his words!
Now if he chooses to redirect his attention to the custodes army, the agents of the inquisition stuff, the legions imperialis, Adeptus titanicus, the 3 combat patrols for a challenge, the 2 killteam boxes, the star works project, blood axis project, galactic hangerdeck project, nagash project, Elise duchard, dark elf emo lady model, 3 bloodbowl teams, bloodbowl stadium project, tzeentch daemon army, freebootaz ork army (that autocorrected to Greenpeace ork army and now I'm gonna go down a while other rabbit hole) snakebite ork army, final couple vehicles for grot revolutionary guards... THEN he may have a point. But the EMPIRE (and krieg guard stuff) will NOT follow the same fate.
Also, 500th blog post apparently. If my output was more consistent would have hit this year's ago but hey at least I'm still plugging away even if it is more like a hobby diary now.
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