Playing Around with a New Toy...

So I finally got myself a decent camera... Forgot to buy the memory card, so that'll be here in a few days, and I will take hundreds of decent model pics that will keep me in weekly blog posts for quite some time by focusing on an army at a time. And first up will probably be my recent Bad Moons... but in the meantime, a quick sample, to show the improved picture quality anyone who reads this tired old blog can expect in future...

Stamp! Stamp! Stamp! *manic grot laughter*

We'll call it, the bus that can't slow down...

One shot game winner on it's debut. Don't want to play it again cos I know it won't live up to that ever again :-P

Orktimus Prime...

Gazza and pals...

Tin Lizzy

Da Boyz will be back... with more photos... soon.


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