Medics, Mobs, and Mekguns
So, a little while ago, I was looking for an unpainted painboy I knew I had SOMEWHERE (ah, the dreaded vague Somewhere, usually just underneath a safe place, to the left of where you won't lose it) and I found a pile of old hideously badly painted boys. I remembered getting them as a job lot on eBay as I wanted some of the really old boys for a special project and these came with them. Ah well, may as well slap a rough coat of paint on them, but let's keep looking.
Next I found an untouched sprue of boys. Ah, that would be from the same kit as the painboy, the two start collecting boxes I bought. I wanted the dreads, painted one painboy originally, boys are always handy but didn't need them right now... ok, add them to the pile. I then found some more aobr boys in another box. And some more in another. And some broken ones in another. And a box of old broken bits that I reckoned I had the bitzbox capacity to fix.
I then found enough random bits within my bitzbox to produce even more boyz and nobs. All in all, I had found 89 boys and 20 nobs. And 3 meks.
So I painted them all up in the quickest easiest paintscheme I could think of, Goffs, meaning I can now run the true green tide of 180 boys in Goff colours. Good Job GW haven't nerfed hordes in 9th, right guys?
I'd just packed them all away, when I finally found that missing painboy! Finally! Lying safely on a bed of... wait, that's the spree of boyz from the start collecting box... (it seems I'd put both squads to one side, but moved one out later for an idea, then put it back in a DIFFERENT place when that idea didn't come to fruition...) Fuck sake. As my goffs already had 180 boys and I had also found 3 converted kommandos with tankbusta bombs I decided to make those boys into kommandos.
I also found an old battered (incorrectly assembled too) killa kan. So I took it off it's base and turned one of the feet round (they were opposite ways) I couldn't do much about the legs being on backwards they were stuck pretty tight but I managed to scavenge a new klaw arm and strap a grotzooka to the side of the thing. I also fixed a couple of broken deffkoptas. These will be added to my deffskulls to give that gunline army a bit more maneuverability (given it previously relied on it's now defunct warbuggies) This does kind of break my rule to only use stolen models for vehicles in that army but given how clearly patched together the killa kan is I figured I'd get away with it.
And with that task done, I was about to put the bitzbox away... But I spotted there was an almost complete mek gun sprue, and about half a mekgun spree, both cannibalised to varying degrees for other projects. So first I combined the kits to make a traktor cannon. I then raided my bitzbox and the second set of leftovers to make another one. And because I tend to run my mekguns in threes, I took a dive in the bitzbox to fashion a third.
I think it looks close enough for such a patched together force. But then I remembered a cool conversion idea I had ages ago for bubble chuckas... So once more dove into the bitzbox. I had to be even more creative with salvaged pieces to make three roughly similar chassis of about the right size, but I'm reasonably happy with the result. Three bubble chuckas...
We're forever blowing bubbbbbllllleeessss...
And finally, in among all that bitzbox raiding, I am sure some of you will spot the battlewagon bitz above... well in the collection of battlewagon bits I found the gun krew. I'd rarely bothered to add them as I had SO many aobr big shoota boys I never took in armies (preferring their slugga choppa cousins) that I used them to represent however many big shootas I'd added to a battlewagon that day (was usually where I threw an extra 5 or 10 points at the end of list writing) So I dug around, added some leftovers from my boyz bitzbox, and now have another 10 shoota boyz to paint.
So in summary, the first phase of my doc hunt got me 112 infantry to paint, the second phase got me 26 infantry and 9 vehicles to paint, ALONG with the model I was actually looking for. I also found the missing piece of my Zagstruk model, so as soon as I find the safe place I put the rest of him in, I can paint him up too. All I have to do is look for a single model among the pile of unknown warhammer stuff, what could possibly go wrong?
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