Deffskulls: Another Battering by the Mechanicum

On Saturday night I had an unexpected opportunity for a game of 40k, a lrage game, 3k, which I could just about manage with the deffskulls stuff I have. Took almost everything. Up against 3k of mechanicum. That hurt...

I mean, it started well enough... I had lots of guns...

I was being sneaky...

There was a reason I was being sneaky... well, two reasons actually...

 The boyz I sent to keep him busy took a couple hull points off him but didn't like all the stampy stampy flameyness of the thing...

And when I did stop being sneaky, I got immobilised... The Gorkanaut NEEDS to be a super heavy, it's silly that normal vehicle damage (1 grav shot) can completely neuter it. It did very little for the rest of the game, until down to one hull point my opponent decided to finish me off in combat with a haywire grenade... which went wrong...

It was a solid loss. Although playing maelstrom AND kill points, I was on an uphill struggle from the start. Man of the match goes to the Mekboy junka in the centre of the battlefield. He took a couple shots with the SAG, then on a critical turn, fired up his turbo charga, lurched forward, sat on the objective I needed and scorched a skitarrii squad from the face of the earth, scoring the point for killing something in the shooting phase AND earning a kill point. He also lured the robots in to get revenge, which put them in range of the tankbustas the following turn. If only the battle for the board had gone as well as the battle for the centre.


  1. Not playing against war convocation were you?

    1. No. He had the stuff to run it as warcon, but he is tired of that as he recognises it is too good. He was just playing them as the basic mech forces. Which are still pretty damn good. If they didn't have those sodding protocols they'd be about right, but being able to boost your army a different way every turn is just... bloody irritating!


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