Deffskulls: Gorkanaut... kinda...

And here it is, treading through the mud, my looted Gorkanaut.

Oh how I wish these things had better rules... maybe in the next Ork codex they'll give them the super heavy rule and this conversion will make more sense.

As it is at the moment, it covers all the bases. A gatling style gun, a big fist, 2 big shootas, a skorcha and 2 wrist mounted rockets, plus a transport capacity and a disembarkation point that is clearly not an assault capable vehicle (seriously, you ever tried to climb/descend a rope ladder in a hurry? Better off jumping...)

The "driver" was somewhat inspired by ratatouille, I had planned to pose him more that way, pulling random wires to make the knight act, but then I thought that sticking the live and the neutral together and just activating EVERYTHING, guns, legs, arms, fists, all in one orgy of electrocuted destruction... that's much more orky...

I'm shocked at the boyz, they put elf n safety railings at the back rather than leaving them open for pushing off grots...

And here he is at the top of his path across the display board,along with aerial escort. They're the only two things I know I'm taking, as they have gaps for them. The rest of the force is still to be decided, based on what I loot over the next few months :-P


  1. Oh, that is good. Ridiculous and dangerous at once, which I'm guessing was the idea. Capital.

  2. "ridiculous and dangerous at once..." in 5 words you've summed up everything the ork codex and army should be...


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