Big Meks

Obviously I got the Ghaz box set that comes with some nobs and meganobs... but only 3 of the latter. That's not a proper retinue and besides, I wanted to try to bulk ghazs personal guard out a bit, make them look beefier, and the meganobs kit didn't seem to have much scope for an easy way to do that (not a criticism of the kit, the kit is great, just there didn't seem an obvious solution to me) so I took the three meganobs and made them all into Big Meks with Kustom Force Fields. I have a feeling that the rules for the kff without mega armour will be relegated to legendary status before too long and as a kff is so handy I figured I could backdate my painting techniques and add some to my older tribes. Obviously to get enough kff and mek weapons with only a single meganobs kit I had to raid my bitsbox but I'm pleased with the overall result.

I then had to pick which one for which clan. The sloped kff looked "fasta" so he joined the speed freaks and the one with the tau weapon seemed the obvious choice for my kleptomaniac deffskulls leaving the fairly standard build one with the more combat orientated killsaw as the obvious choice for the goffs.


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