
As I stated in my previous post I wanted to try to bulk out the meganobs so I figured taking the normal nobs that came with ghaz (and a spare one I found in my bitsbox) and then basically bolting armour plates to them would hopefully beef them out enough to be a bit bigger than the normal meganobs kit. Here is the result.

I'm reasonably pleased with these guys... they're a tiny bit bigger than a standard meganob but it wasn't as obvious a bulk up as I'd hoped. They'll still be added to the army as a squad of meganobs but they aren't quite enough for me to think of them as Ghaz personal guard. But then I saw a conversion someone had done for ghaz (I presume they didn't want to buy the entire box set or perhaps inexplicably didn't like the new model) and someone had commented that they at first thought it was a converted meganob... and I thought oh yes, that would make a very good converted meganob... so ordered some. Update on this to follow once I've converted the buggers.


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