Wacky Tourney Review: Kustom Boosta Blasta

This is another indecisive entry... army with 4 short range burnas, grenades, and the ability to do mortal wounds on the charge, it wants to be up close and in the infantry...

Meanwhile it has a 36" range rivet kannon with a good STR that is great for picking at light vehicles, like the other buggies in fact.

This proved useful at shifting some dirty alotaic rangers from cover but other than this I can't remember it doing much over the weekend. Chipping in a wound here and there, but it doesn't have the shot capacity to make up for orks poor BS, it's best with the flamers... and I think a squad of burnas in a truck might have more use there.

Do I want more? Eventually I will get one for the evil sunz, but again, no rush.


  1. Yeah, that's unfortunate, because I think it's my fave from an aesthetic point of view.

    1. I do like the look, and if this is the one that had the grot tied to the front i'd just call it Nux and be done with it...

      But I think my favourite to look at is probably the scrapjet. But effectively that's a downed dakkajet and I was always a fan of that kit anyway, so it might be that I'm fond of...

    2. The Crapjet is pretty awesome, too, but I like the muscle car meets dunebuggy vibe this one has going on even better. Makes me want to put on a bunch of Dick Dale tunes and rock out!


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